Свидетельство о регистрации средств массовой информации ЭЛ № ФС77-49292 от 6 апреля 2012 г.Журнал включен (18.10.2016) в список изданий, рекомендуемых ВАК РФ.
Tarkhanov S., Pinaevskaya E., Aganina Yu., Pakhov A. Seasonal Adaptation of Photosynthetic Pigment Complex of Scots Pine with Different Types of Seed Scales Apophysis under Conditions of Constant Excessive Moisture in Soils of the Northern Taiga
Tarkhanov S., Pinaevskaya E., Aganina Yu., Pakhov A. Seasonal Adaptation of Photosynthetic Pigment Complex of Scots Pine with Different Types of Seed Scales Apophysis under Conditions of Constant Excessive Moisture in Soils of the Northern Taiga